If you have not received your Registration Link or e-Workbook - Check your Spam Folder or Click Here

*A $29.95 fee will be charged to ensure against 'No-Show' Registrations. Includes registration, e-Workbook & e-Certificate**
*Each Attendee must log on with their individual email address for verification of attendance & commit to minimum of 7 hours.
19th February 2025
Next Training:
8-hour GMP, QMS & 21 CFR Part 11 Training

Registration plus Paper Certificate & GMP Handbook!
$39.95 + $10.00 FedEx Shipping. Continental U.S. Only

We will register your Seat and Ship the Paper Gold Seal Certificate of Attendance & the Standard GMP Handbook to your Door post training. Currently only available for U.S. Customers

* Currently Only Available to U.S. Shipping.
For International Shipping click here
Personalized Interactive 8-Hour GMP Training
On-site Seminars / Webinars
Basic GMP/QMS/Part 11 101 8-hour
Medical Device - ISO 13485
Cosmetics CGMPs
21 CFR Part 11-Validation
Good Laboratory Practice
Training includes:
GXP Handbooks
Workbook Binders
Certificate of Attendance
Q&A Sessions
Access to GMP Helpdesk
Video Recording - $2,995.00
4 Segment Session Edited
TEAMs, or GoToWebinar Webinar Training. Video Recording - 1,995.00
Includes Handbooks, Workbook Binders, & Certificates for Attendees:

Full Presentation - $495.00
Includes (*US Customers Only):
*GMP International Handbook
GMP e-Workbook
Slide show Presentation
*Paper Certificate of Attendance
14 Day Recording Access
Training programs available:
Additional Training Courses Available at
GMP Boot Camps and The Auditing Group, Inc:
1, 2, or 3-days On-site or TEAMS Webinar Programs:
1. Choosing the Number of Training Days
Select the Base Daily Rate for Trainer SME, then Purchase Training Materials, Workbooks, Handbooks & Certificates
2. Purchase the Number of Workbooks, Handbooks and Paper Certificates
Customize training specific for Products or Services.
Add on-site Audit prior to Training, utilizing your audit observations as part of the training.
**Certificate of Attendance will only be issued upon verification of attendance through the GoToWebinar Analytics software
The Course Curriculum
Course Agenda
GMP QMS 101 The Basics - The required GMP Training for all employees who work in regulated industry.
GMP and the GMP Focus and the GMP Lifestyle
The Predicate Rules
The FDA Agency, Inspections, Warning letters and 483s
Quality Terminology
The Quality Management System (QMS)
The Basics of QMS
CAPA - The basics about Corrective and Preventive Actions;
Non-Conformance - Materials Supply, Specifications and Quality;
Change Control - Documentation, Engineering, Production and Distribution;
Deviations - Deviation management essentials;
Out of Specifications / Out of Trend - Management of OOS and OOT;
Complaints - Receipt, Qualifications, Risk Assessments and Remediation/Resolution;
Recalls - The process, and indications of failures;
Product Traceability;
Audit - Internal, Agency, Customers and External Audit;
Vendors, Suppliers and Contractors - Quality Agreements;
The Meetings - Management and Quality Meetings;
The 11 General Orders / Principals of GMP
Writing Procedures (with template examples);
Following Procedures (and the failures that occur);
Documentation (Requirements, and the Regulations);
Validation (Concepts, and basic process requirements);
Design/Build Facilities and Equipment (In-depth look into a GMP facility requirement);
Maintain Facilities and Equipment (Maintenance, Calibration, Use and Cleaning of Facilities/Equipment);
Competency (The Training Requirements);
Sanitation and Good Housekeeping Practices (General requirements for all facilities);
Control for Quality (from Materials Receipt, Production, Packaging and Distribution);
Audit Requirements
Prepare for Battle! The Traceability Process;
21 CFR Part 11 Electronic Records
21 CFR Part 11 Basic Overview
Definitions, System Types and Classifications
21 CFR Part 11 – Predicate Rule
Part 11.10 Sections a) - k)
Microsoft Excel